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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Star: Car registration plates bearing ‘MCA’ can’t be reserved

Read this for laugh!  After reading this article, I laughed till I fell off my chair!  Here goes:

The Star: Wednesday September 22, 2010

Car registration plates bearing ‘MCA’ can’t be reserved

PUTRAJAYA: Car registrations bearing the letters “MCA” are open for public tender and they are not reserved for MCA members only, said Transport Minister Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha.

“Nobody can reserve any number for ‘MCA.’ It’s part of the sequence that RTD issues the registration number,” he said.  He was commenting on a “directive” from certain quarters that the Malacca registration should be reserved for MCA members only.

It was reported in a newspaper yesterday that a letter written by the senior private secretary of former Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat, had asked for tenders for the registration beginning from MCA 1 to MCA 9999 to be exempted.

Speaking to reporters after his ministry’s Hari Raya Aidifiltri open house here yesterday, Kong said the instruction to Road Transport Department (RTD) director-general Datuk Solah Mat Hassan to exempt the numbers MCA 1 to MCA 9999 had been recinded.

Kong later showed a letter dated Feb 17 on the directive to Solah to the press.
He said there were other car registrations beginning with the letters DAP and PAS but it did not mean they were reserved for members from the opposition parties.

In another development, Kong, who is also MCA secretary-general, said the party was set for its annual general meeting in October.

On the outcome of the Ops Sikap 22 road safety operation held in conjunction with the Hari Raya Aidifitri celebrations which ended on Friday, Kong said although there was a reduction in the number of accidents, the fatality rate was still high.

Under Ops Sikap 22, 16,817 accidents were reported compared with 17,335 last year.
The number of road fatalities was 244 compared with 265 last year.

End of article.  That's all folks, thanks for having the time and patience to read this blog entry.

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