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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Things I Hate: Porsche Boxters

Before I begin, I want to make sure I am clear about the title of this blog. First of all, these “Things I Hate” blogs aren’t going to be about things like people who forget to flush and shopping carts left in the middle of parking spaces. They will be about the hateful things car manufacturers and car owners do.
To start this new series, I will be looking at Porsche Boxters. The Porsche Boxter is a wonderful car. You’d be hard pressed to find a car reviewer who had anything bad to say about it. It’s beautifully balanced, the steering is sharp, it’s a driver’s car. They almost all agree.

The County Fair is fun. You can ride rides. Get snacks and drinks and enjoy the atmosphere. It’s a place where people go to enjoy themselves. However, so is Disney World, and I bet you couldn’t find a kid on the planet who rather go to the fair than spend a day riding roller coasters and hanging out with their favorite movie characters. Disney World is on a different level. The Porsche Boxter is like the county fair. It’s great fun and you can spend the day without running out of stuff to do. The Porsche 911 is like Disney World. It’s just better. Period. The Porsche Boxter is, and there’s no getting around it, for people who can’t afford the 911.

I know it’s an old argument. I’ve heard it a thousand times. I’ve even come to hate hearing it. It’s as old as the safety briefings on airplanes. I know my seat cushion floats and I know I’d rather have the 911.

Boxter owners drive around in what they know to be an excellent car but all the while they are forced to imagine what could have been. “If only I’d saved a bit more. I could have had a 911.” They bought second best.

That’s why I hate the Boxter, no matter how good Porsche make it, they’ll never allow it to surpass their beloved 911. It just won’t happen. They will not do it.

So, my advice to those who are considering a Boxter is… DON’T! You can do better. Why not buy a three year old Porsche-Certified 911. No one will ever know it isn’t new. 911s have looked the same since the 60s. You’ll get a great car and you get the reassurance that you got the most for your money.

A used 911 is like having just one day to spend at Disney World, it’s still better than a whole week at the fair.

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