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Monday, June 22, 2009

International markets

BeefWhile imports of U.S. beef in 2007 were virtually double 2006 number, and eventually topped out at $44million, the reach of U.S. beef is still too limited to create a widespread opportunity for most EU consumers to try the product. U.S. beef has been largely absent from the European Union for the past 19 years, and there is a subsequent lack of consumer knowledge about the attributes of U.S. beef. Nonetheless, consumers and importers who have tried U.S. beef recognize the quality and a proportion of EU consumers are ready to pay the premium price. Italy and Germany are the primary markets for U.S. beef, with product also sold in Holland, France, Belgium and the U.K. EU importers are working hard to expand their sales across the EU and are developing business in Spain, Portugal, Greece, Sweden and netherland

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