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Thursday, June 18, 2009

70,000th+ Unique Visitors (87,808 pageloads)... THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!

70,006 Unique visitors and 87,808 Pageloads! As at 18 June 2009, 18:53 hours Thank you... Thank you for your support!!! Here's a short "speech" of the blog owner and editor, Jeff Lim (ie. me).

"This blog you are reading: "" was launched in August 21 2006. I only posted 18 posts in the Inaugural year. In 2007, it was almost doubled at 32 posts. The following year in 2008, I managed to doubled my blog entries again at 67 blog entries. In 2009, I hoped to double the 2008 blog entries again... Watch this blog...

I hope you enjoy the "Unique" part of my blog. There were:
1) Best and worst resale value cars
2) "What car can you buy with these budgets?"
3) "LONGTERMERS" of my cars which I update monthly...

Note that, only 50 of the post entry (ie. slightly less than 1/3) are "my original work" which I am "VERY PROUD OF". Especially the LATEST entry, "In Memorium: Mazda Astina". 100% MY ORIGINAL WORK. Others are "copied" from other forums (eg. Lowyat forum/websites (eg. GoAuto Australia /magazines (eg. Highway Malaysia). Though it's "copied", I acknowledged their work, MAKE IT CLEAR that it is NOT MY ENTRY by giving "REFERENCING" (from 2008 onwards => HARVARD REFERENCING) and having the "SOURCES" listed out... Ie. I can still keep my head up!

Over the past 6 months, I've tried my best to produce more of "My Original work".
Now I need your help to enable me to produce more of "my original work". Can YOU ALLOW me to write a review on your car? It can be any car as long as it's USED. Alternatively, YOU REVIEW YOUR OWN CAR (see my blog label under "What's changed?" and send to me your article. I will acknowledge (give credit) your work.

Lastly, I'd like to thank my advertisers Google and especially Nuffnang. Nuffnang ROCKS man! You guys are Very Happening, especially the Advertisement contents. Wah! It even has "TIGER BEER", "Nike", "Honda" etc!!! The earnings are GREAT compared to "AHEM!".

Keep the ball rolling everyone and HELPED me to TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS about this blog. I HOPE I can expand this blog by adding a "FORUM" and having More Advertisers. The former (forum) is DIfficult as I can't find enough "MODERATORS" to kickstart it as I have a FULL TIME JOB to do (I'm a "PROPERTY SALESMAN"). This blog I created is my "HOBBY", hence I got no time to be a Moderator.

Besides hobby, This BLOG is also my "PORTFOLIO" which I am building as I hoped to be a Car Journalist someday. In other words, I created this "PORTFOLIO" because I don't have a Degree or "ANY PAPER QUALIFICATIONS" needed to be a journalist... Here's hoping someone might "employ" me as a part timer or contributor. DOn't worry, "CHEAP LABOUR" here...

That's all folks, thanks for having the patient to "READ THRU' THIS...

In a meantime, I have few photos...

Above: 70,004 hits - Unique visitors... Oh! Also, "THIS IS AN ALL MALAYSIAN BLOG!" as you can see in the picture above.

Above, Pageloads... and Below, my LATEST Hits over the last 7 days. Note: Consistent visitors...

Above: Visitor statistics from 2006 to June 2009...

THE END... Again, Thanks for having the time and patience to read this...

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