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Saturday, June 20, 2009


Happy Father's day EVERYONE! Tomorrow (Sunday) is Father's day. Any gift/s and/or plans to celebrate with your father? OR Should I say what would you do with your father?

Brief description of my dad: He's 168cm, Middle weight, Almost bald, 60 years old guy. He loves Golf. He is an ambidextrous (ie. use of both hands especially writing and playing racket games) Oh! He loves Curry fish head, "Teochew Lor Duck meat", Nasi Lemak etc...

He retired from a prominent Bank in Hong Kong back in 2001 after 28 LONG years working for the Bank (22 years in KL HQ and 6 years in Hong Kong). He is still active in the workforce today working as a Consultant to a Bank in Vietnam, Director to a Bank in China and recently, Director of a Subsidiary of a Malaysian bank.

Well, my dad went to Cambodia for Business Trip today (Airasia). So in other words, he won't be with us (the Lim's family) for this father's day.
Q: What I'm going to do tomorrow?
A: Wash his car lor...

WIthout further ado, here's a photo of my father:

My question to all of you readers,
1) what are going to do to your father tomorrow? (ie. what is your plan)
2) Have you said "I love you!" to your father before?

Well, these are points to ponder...

Ever wonder how Father's day started?
Let us proceed to the "Origin of Father's day":

HISTORY of Father's Day

The idea for an official Father’s Day celebration came to a married daughter, seated in a church in Spokane, Washington, attentive to a Sunday sermon on Mother’s Day in 1910-two years after the first Mother’s Day observance in West Virginia.

The daughter was Mrs. Sonora Smart Dodd. During the sermon, which extolled maternal sacrifices made for children, Mrs. Dodd realized that in her own family it had been her father, William Jackson Smart, a Civil War veteran, who had sacrificed-raising herself and five sons alone, following the early death of his wife in childbirth. For Mrs. Dodd, the hardships her father had endured on their eastern Washington farm called to mind the unsung feats of fathers everywhere.

Her proposed local Father’s Day celebration received strong support from the town’s ministers and members of the Spokane YMCA. The date suggested for the festivities, June 5, Mrs. Dodd’s father’s birthdays were three weeks away-had to be moved back to the nineteenth when ministers claimed they need extra time to prepare sermons on such a new subject as Father.

Newspapers across the country, already endorsing the need for a national Mother’s Day, carried stories about the unique Spokane observance. Interest in Father’s Day increased. Among the first notables to support Mrs. Dodd’s idea nationally was the orator and political leader William Jennings Bryan, who also backed Mother’s Day. Believing that fathers must not be slighted, he wrote to Mrs. Dodd, "too much emphasis cannot be placed upon the relation between parent and child."

Father’s Day, however, was not so quickly accepted as Mother’s Day. Members of the all-male Congress felt that a move to proclaim the day official might be interpreted as a self-congratulatory pat on the back.

In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson and his family personally observed the day. And in 1924, President Calvin Coolidge recommended that states, if they wished, should hold their own Father’s Day observances. He wrote to the nation’s governors that "the widespread observance of this occasion is calculated to establish more intimate relations between fathers and their children, and also to impress upon fathers the full measure of their obligations."

Many people attempted to secure official recognition for Father’s Day. One of the most notable efforts was made in 1957, by Senator Margaret Chase Smith, who wrote forcefully to Congress that "Either we honor both our parents, mother and father, or let us desist from honoring either one. But to single out just one of our two parents and omit the other is the most grievous insult imaginable."

Eventually, in 1972-sixty-two years after it was proposed-Father’s Day was permanently established by President Richard Nixon.

In America today, Father’s Day is the fifth-largest card-sending occasion, with about 85 million greeting cards exchanged.


Thanks for having time and patience reading this, that's all folks...

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