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Thursday, November 11, 2010

How To Prep Your Antique Car For Restoration

It is no doubt a fact that to rebuild and restore any type of classic car engine will involve a great bit of your time. Even though, admittedly, it may provide you  with great personal satisfaction. For that reason alone it's important that you do as much preparation work as possible before tacking the "easy" part of disassembling it. Keep in mind that specific engine removal procedures are not the same for all cars and if in doubt don't hesitate to pick up the service manual for your specific make and model.

If you look at the engines from classic cars of many hears ago, one thing stands out. And that is that they have many fewer components than even the simplest of today's engines. Even so, this doesn't diminish the importance of taking great care when disassembling a class auto engine. Before beginning, video tape or take pictures of the engine and all components connected to it from every angle. And document anything about the engine that is unusual.

Keep in mind that when you start the restoration project, you never know exactly how well the restoration project will develop. Inevitably, there will always be surprises. You may have the engine in pieces for day, weeks, or even months. It's very easy to forget where certain components of the car came from. And there's nothing more frustrating than having one or more parts left over when the re-assembling is complete.

It is important that you do not throw away any of the original parts that you have removed - until the refurbishing is finished. This is true even if you have a replacement part for it. Save them all in a box until the engine has been reassembled and is running. Label parts as you remove them to avoid confusing similar looking components. You can use tags to label them or if the part is not an internal engine component, you can inscribe them with identifying marks.

Personal safety is key. So, before you start,  ensure that you have decent protection for your eyes. In addition, you'll probably find that wearing a pair of mechanics gloves will help to save your knuckles. Also, make sure that the engine is cold. Also, in some cases you may have to remove the car hood in order to get enough clearance to remove the larger parts of the engine.

As you take apart the car engine, be careful not to harm any of the engine components that you are working with. A tip for doing this is to start by taking out all accessories from the engine block and head starting with the exhaust and intake manifolds. Now you can begin to disassemble the engine block. The important thing during this stage is to not force anything unless absolutely necessary. Using brute force on any part of an engine will do more harm than good. If studs have rusted try using a rust penetrating lubricant before attempting more drastic measures.

Sometimes the penetrating lubricant that you use will not work. If not, try a stud remover as a second choice. But tap the head GENTLY. And do not try to force them. It can't be stressed enough that you should be as gentle with the stud as humanly possible. As a last resort, if the stud still cannot be removed, you may have to find someone familiar with arc welding techniques which can be used to remove studs.

Keep track of all of your parts. One way of doing this is, as part of your tagging, number all of the piston tops, connecting rods, rod bearing caps, and other components that come in multiples. Tag other components such as the valve lifters, push rods, and valves as to their position.

Prep is important in getting your tasks done on time. And, if you properly do the auto disassembly prep work before beginning your engine restoration, you have just made your restoration job immensely easier.
About the Author

By: Carl Phillips

Carl is a classic car enthusiast who writes articles on restoration issues of interest like car paint colors and classic car pricing. Please visit his site for additional articles.
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Article Source: - How To Prep Your Antique Car For Restoration

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