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Friday, October 1, 2010

Most Improved Designs

Yesterday we admired the best looking cars on the market. Today we'll focus our attention on the cars that started out looking pretty bad, but were redesigned and made better. Like when Martha Stewart makes drapes out of used underwear or something.

The Chevrolet Malibu: This is a car that has been around for decades, and overall it has looked quite good. However, in the mid 2000s it appeared that the design of the Malibu wasn't the priority. It was a very good car just not a pretty one. My family had one for a while and we enjoyed it, but we talked more about the roomy backseat and the big trunk then we ever did about its exterior. While the inside may be what counts with people, it doesn't always cut it with cars. So in 2008, Chevrolet redesigned the Malibu and turned it into a car that was not only well designed on the inside, but on the outside as well.

2004 Chevrolet Malibu
2010 Chevrolet Malibu
The Jaguar XJ: Here's a car that hadn't been redesigned for about 40 years. That's quite a long time especially considering that with time it became gradually fatter and uglier. Jaguar needed a big change and earlier this year, they delivered with an lovely and elegant car. Exactly what Jaguar needed. 

2002 Jaguar XJ
2010 Jaguar XJ
The Toyota Camry Solara: Since its debut, the Solara has been at or at least near the top of my least favorite cars list. Motor Trend once said of it," It may be ugly, but it sure is expensive." In short, it stunk. Just look at it. 
2009 Toyota Camry Solara
Toyota needed to eliminate some nasty, and they did. Below is a picture of the 2010 Solara in someones garage.

That's right. It's gone. They just stopped making it. That's the biggest improvement anyone could ever hope for. Thank you Toyota. Thank you.

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