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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day....

To all mothers AROUND THE WORLD!  Happy Mother's day...  How's your mother's day celebration?

Me?  Morning, brought mum to Church.  After Church bought Yong Tau Foo (20 pieces), Asam Laksa, 2 types of Fishball Kuay Teow...   Had a FILLING LUNCH!!!

DINNER:  Me and my sister ordered Dominos Pizza for my Mum and Grandma...   Along with 2 types of Noodles (TAAI CHAU)...  Maan Yee Mee and Hor Fun...

That's all folks, thanks for having the time and patience to read this blog entry of mine... 

Picture left: MY MUM...  Mdm Poh/Mrs Lim...

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