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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

LONGTERMER #2, Month 15: Honda Civic FD2 2.0iVTEC

LONGTERMER #2, Volume 13; Month 15: Honda Civic FD2 2.0IVTEC

This is 13th update of Longtermer #2, this month's the 15th month we owned the Civic 2.0iVTEC FD2.

What's happened in the month between July to September. Let's see...

Last month (late August), my dad took the Civic to Sumber Auto Edaran (again), Petaling Jaya.

Well, good news... Firstly, it's HONDA SERVICE CAMPAIGN! Most parts and labour discount up to 50%. Secondly, Honda Malaysia gave us the following for free: i) Honda Racing Key Chain, 2) Windscreen foldable sunshade, 3) Black HONDA (recyclable grocery bag - identical design with "TESCO" RM3 blue bag).

FINALLY, Sumber Auto Edaran Service Centre used "HONDA SEMI SYNTHETIC OIL". BUT those bloodsuckers, they still insisted on 5000km oil change despite running on Semi-Synthetic oil. Well, ALL IS NOT LOST, AT LEAST the Civic GAINED A LOT by using Semi-Synthetic oil instead of MINERAL ones.

Q: How and Why is it so?
A: The engine's now Smoother and quieter (lower dB), the acceleration is slightly better AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, BETTER FUEL CONSUMPTION. My dad recorded 520km with only 37L of fuel using Petronas NEW Primax RON95. That's a STAGGERING 14.05km/L!!! Yes, it's ON PAR WITH MY SISTER'S MYVI 1.3SXI MANUAL! NOT BAD for a 2000cc car.

Been enjoying driving the car around. In fact, WE (me and my dad) used this car more often now compared to the Ford Telstar.

Here's some bad news: My dad accidentally hit-and-scratched the Auto-gate pillar while avoiding my Sister's silver MYVI (she didn't leave enough room for the Civic to move out of the compound) => see picture below. We haven't repair yet as the damage's still bearable.

Without further ado, let's proceed to LOGBOOK.

Year of manufactured: 2008 (Delivery Date 28 July 2008)
Current Value: RM113,000
Purchase price: RM126,000 (less NCB)
Mileage when bought: 0008km

Mileage last update (June 28): 17,900km.

Mileage today (September 28): 21,555km
Average mileage per month: 1437km

Best: 14.05km/L, 90% highway, Petronas RON95 (1st week of September, driven by my DAD)

WORST: 8.5km/L (Shell RON95) 80% City driving and some HARD DRIVING (20%) - Up to 5500rpm revving, very heavy foot driven by ME. (September 23 2009)

LAST 6 months:
Best: 14.05km/l (90% highway driving) (1st week of September)
Worst: 8.5km/l (100% City driving) (May 2009)


1) Curry Hook x2, RM16 @ Brother's Kelana Jaya (see photo below)

2) 20,000km scheduled service (this time using Semi Synthetic Oil) + 1 set wiper change (RM70) + labour. Grand total: RM340+.

Petrol, parking and toll charges, that's all.

Well, there's a saying "a picture is worth 1000 words". Here's some parting shots before I sign off...

Picture above: "Coincidentally taken this photo outside "Honda Malaysia HQ" in Jalan 13/6, Petaling Jaya (I went to Jaya One, opposite).

Picture above: Shot at my Condo parking lot in Tropicana Indah.

Picture above: Front 3-quarter view of the Civic. Below, picture taken from my friend's Service Apartment, "MAPLE @ Sentul West" parking lot.

AN ORIGINAL JEFF LIM Production. That's all folks, thanks for having the patience to read this. See you on the 18th month. Ie. End December. Yes, Note that I'll update this car every 3 months instead of Monthly (unlike my Ford Telstar) as this car is too NEW to update monthly. Not much to write.

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