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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Otoreview (belated)...

I Jeff Lim, owner and editor of this blog would like to thank all Readers/Subscribers for your support.  This blog turned 5 on 21 August 2011.  How time flies...  It seemed like yesterday I created this blog.  I created this blog on 21 August 2006.   This blog started off initially as a Malaysian Used car review blog. 

As time goes by, it slowly incorperates "Automotive Industry stuff", New car review, Highlighted Roadshows, Antique/Classic cars, Product reviews, A little bit of Politics (NAP, AFTA, AP issues, Racism, Sexism), Best/worst resale values and lastly Advertorial (for Honda Malaysia and Nuffnang). 

I, Jeff Lim shall keep this blog running hoping that there's Advertisers/Sponsors and "ASSISTANT EDITOR/S" as I have to admit it's DIFFICULT updating this blog ALONE.  I SHALL GIVE my assistant editors FULL POWER to post and edit (your own post) what he/she deemed fit.  BUT PLEASE Don't delete/edit my post. 

1) MUST BE Passionate about cars.
2) MINIMUM 2 years experience in Journalism/OR Blogging/Writing about cars.  Those with "Advance driving course certificate" (like me) will be an advantage.
3) Self motivated/driven.
4) Being charitable.  Linked to requirement #1 as there's NO PAY INVOLVED.  Ie. I don't pay you.  YOU ARE HERE to Bulid your Portfolio (like me).  Your work will be labelled/tagged as "________'s Original Work".  Fill in your name.  Fair enough? 
5) I START FROM "0" back in 2006.  Hoping to be spotted/hired as a Car Writer/Journalists.  But I'm only a Form 5 holder.  I improved my English because I collect car magazines and been reading car magazines since I was 10 years old (1989).  My role model are "Shahriza Hussien", "Mel Lee", "Chips Yap", "Faisal Shah" and "Chris Wee".  I already built up my portfolio 1/3 of this blog were "Original Jeff Lim's production".  How about you?
Again, thanks everyone for your support...  Here's to the NEXT 5 years!

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