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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fiero Problems

For those of you who don't know, I drive a 1984 Pontiac Fiero, and I love it. You should also know that it isn't exactly perfect.

I was driving home one evening, when all of a sudden my car shut off. I pulled over, popped the hood and started poking around, acting like I knew what I was doing. For a guy who isn't a great trouble shooter yet, I did a pretty good job locating a problem that would explain the break down.

The alternator belt had snapped. Without the alternator, the car couldn't run for very long. That made it difficult to get to the shop. As did the fact that my car was smoking uncontrolably.  In a car that was recalled for catching fire, a smoking motor is quite scary.

Anyway, we had the car towed to the shop, and we got the alternator belt replaced. Somehow, that was supposed to stop the overheating problem. I would try to explain that, but I'd just make a fool of myself.

Today I got the "okay" to come pick up the Fiero. The car fired right up and everything seemed fine. I got it about half way home, and then it overheated. Sheesh.

When your car breaks down on the way home from the shop, it's hard not to get depressed.

We were able (eventually) to get it back to the shop. It's still there.

This is NOT the first bad experience, I've had with my car, and it won't be the last. However, soon I'll get my car back from the shop. It won't be perfect, but I'll love it.

My Fiero is in some ways, just a beat up old car. But in one very special way, it's much more than that. It's my car. And no matter how many bad days I have with it, I'll continue to work with it. I still love cleaning it. I still love driving it. And, even though I deny it, I still love showing it off. It's my car, and I love it...

Sure would be nice to keep it out of the shop, though.

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