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Sunday, February 28, 2010

LONGTERMER #2, Volume 15; Month 20: Honda Civic FD2 2.0IVTEC

LONGTERMER #2, Volume 15; Month 20: Honda Civic FD2 2.0IVTEC

In this blog entry, I'll be covering my ride.  The Honda Civic FD2. This is 15th update of Longtermer #2, this month's the 20th month we (my family) owned the Civic 2.0iVTEC FD2.

What's happened in the month between January to February. Let's see...

I have been enjoying driving the car around. In fact, WE (me and my dad) used this car more often now compared to the Ford Telstar.

Over the last 14 days, as usual my dad drove this Civic FD2 HARD.  To Genting Highlands (2 rounds), Cyberjaya 3 rounds.  How my dad drive (to Genting Highlands)?

Well, he utilised Engine braking most of the time when downhill and played with the Paddle shift (S mode) with Air-cond off (windows down) when going uphill.  

Three weeks ago, while reversing out of my porch, I hit a parked Wooden Lorry. 
Apparently, the reverse sensor did not work as the wooden lorry was too high.  The damage?  My rear right light broken and it's surrounding dented.  Spent RM280 for the lights and another RM280 for Knocking back and painting. Total RM560.

Picture montage above: Before and after the repair...

As I am typing this, the Civic's Due for 30,000km service.  Apparently, Sumber Auto Edaran was fully booked till 2 March 2010 (Tuesday).  I made my appointment last Monday (22 Feb).

Without further ado, let's proceed to LOGBOOK.

Year of manufactured: 2008 (Delivery Date 28 July 2008)
Current Value: RM113,000
Purchase price: RM126,000 (less NCB)
Mileage when bought: 0008km
Mileage last update (January 1): 27,536km
Mileage today: 30,418km

Average mileage per month: 1600km

Best: 14.25km/L, 100% highway, Petronas RON97 (16 Feb 2010 driven by my DAD)

WORST: 8.2km/L (Shell RON95) 100% City driving driven by ME. (January 28 2009)

LAST 6 months:
Best: 14.25km/l (90% highway driving) (16 February 2010)
Worst: 8.2km/l (80% City driving, 20% HARD DRIVING) (November 26 2009)


1) Rear light RM280, Knocking and painting: RM280.  Total RM560.
2) Touch and Go reload => RM100.
Petrol, parking and toll charges, that's all.

Well, there's a saying "a picture is worth 1000 words". Here's some parting shots before I sign off...


AN ORIGINAL JEFF LIM Production. That's all folks, thanks for having the patience to read this. See you on the 22th month. Ie. End April. Yes, Now I'll update this car every 2 months instead of 3 Months previously as there's more and more things to blog about.

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